Andreas Hougaard Laustsen-Kiel

Field of research: Antibody technologies & toxinology

Describe your field of work and current role 
I am a professor in antibody technologies at the Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine at the Technical University of Denmark. Here, I lead the Center for Antibody Technologies, where I work on developing new methodologies for discovery and engineering of antibodies, with a particular focus on toxins. I work across the fields of snakebite and other animals envenomings, infectious diseases, and bioindustrial applications. Besides my academic career, I am an active biotech entrepreneur and co-founder of the companies, Biosyntia, VenomAb, Antag Therapeutics, Chromologics, Bactolife, VenomAid Diagnostics, Agrobiomics, and Combotope Therapeutics.

What has your path been from starting at university until today?
I completed my B.Sc.Eng. in Human Life Science Engineering (2010) and M.Sc.Eng. in Advanced and Applied Chemistry (2012) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). I then spent 1.5 years as a Co-founder & Business Developer at Biosyntia, before completing my PhD studies on Recombinant Antivenom at the University of Copenhagen, Instituto Clodomiro Picado (Costa Rica), and the company IONTAS (UK). Upon being awarded my PhD degree in 2016, I returned to DTU as a Postdoctoral Fellow thanks to an independent postdoctoral fellowship awarded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. In 2018, I became an Associate Professor at the Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine at DTU and was promoted to Professor and Head of the Center for Antibody Technologies in 2021 and 2022, respectively. In parallel with my academic career path, I co-founded eight biotech companies and a network for young biotech entrepreneurs (REBBLS). I am a member of the Young Academy of Denmark under the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV), the Young Academy of Europe, and most recently YATSI, which I co-founded with three great colleagues from academia and industry.

What can be done to strengthen applied STEM research & innovation in Denmark?
I believe that by creating an academy for excellent young STEM researchers and professionals from both academia and industry, we can foster new ideas and help these find application in society. I am convinced that YATSI is exactly such an academy and that it will facilitate innovation and help bridge academia, the startup world, established industry, and society, as well as it will give young STEM researchers and professionals a strong public voice that can be used to influence decision makers to improve the conditions for young scientists in Denmark.

What will you use your YATSI membership for? 
I will use my membership of YATSI to support the creating of an excellent and active academy that bridges academia and industry and provides young STEM researchers and professionals with a public voice. I wish to help create visibility for YATSI, as well as I hope I can help YATSI become a strong network with broad representation among its members. I finally hope to meet new colleagues and friends that I can collaborate with in the future.

Who's the person behind the member?
Although being ethnically from Jutland, I grew up in Kongens Lyngby, where I also now live with my wife and son just across from DTU. We all love spending time in nature and traveling the world. We are particularly fond of skiing and hiking, and as my son is crazy about spending time in the pool, I often enjoy my Sunday afternoons taking him to swim classes.