Timothy Jenkins

Field of research: Digital Biotechnology

Describe your field of work and current role 
I’m an assistant professor in digital biotechnology and Head of Data Science at the department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine at the Technical University of Denmark. I work on high-throughput in vitro and machine learning approaches for target identification and therapeutic discovery.

What has your path been from starting at university until today?
I completed my B.Sc. (2015) studies in zoology and ecology at James Cook University (Australia), before moving to the UK to pursue my PhD studies at the University of Cambridge. Upon being awarded my PhD degree in 2019 and receiving the Abcam award for best PhD student at the department, I moved to the Technical University of Denmark as a H.C. Ørsted postdoctoral fellow. In 2021 I was promoted to Assistant Professor and started a junior research group, the Digital Biotechnology Lab. Here, my team and I focus on leveraging data science, machine learning, and high-throughout in vitro approaches to develop new approaches for target identification and therapeutic discovery with a particular focus on neglected diseases, such as snakebite envenoming. In late 2022 I was also appointed as the Head of Data Science at DTU Bioengineering.

What can be done to strengthen applied STEM research & innovation in Denmark?
I believe that facilitating the visibility of potential academic and industry collaborators can help strengthen STEM in Denmark. By establishing easy-to-implement collaboration agreements, we can streamline the process and encourage more partnerships. Further, communicating clear paths and requirements for entrepreneurship will empower aspiring innovators to navigate the system effectively. Finally, lobbying for changes to address shortcomings in the current system will be crucial for continuous improvement and adaptation to the evolving demands of the STEM fields.

What will you use your YATSI membership for? 
As the inaugural deputy chair, I am committed to steering YATSI toward fostering a scientific ecosystem that not only embraces but also facilitates truly interdisciplinary approaches. Our goal is to enable fluid collaboration between industry and academia, paving the way for paradigm-shifting innovation. YATSI will lay the foundation for this ambitious vision by crafting blueprints for the implementation of these solutions and by involving all the relevant parties in the discussion. This ensures that the solutions we devise are not only aligned but also supported by all relevant stakeholders. Furthermore, YATSI will take an active role in highlighting key topics within these objectives, communicating our aims to both the broader scientific community and the Danish public at large.

Who's the person behind the member?
Outside of work, I am addicted to travel and enjoy the outdoors primarily through hikes and free diving, as well as many different team sports. I am very fond of animals and still think that working in a zoo was one of my favourite jobs. In bad weather, I very much enjoy a good board game session with friends or pretty much any other social activity. I do tend to struggle separating work and pleasure and so many a good pub night ends in deep scientific discussions or contemplations around the next great frontier, space exploration.